More sales with less inventory


Stock optimization through data-driven purchasing. Increase product availability, reduce inventory costs and purchase more efficiently. A stock reduction of 20% is no exception. The deliver reliability will also increase. An increase of 10% is no exception.


Optimal stock management


Often the current stock management system mainly supports you with product locations and outgoing goods, but such a system does not determine how much of a product should be placed in stock.

Purchasing is often done on feeling and time-consuming forecasting methods. This is exactly what leads to overstock and poor product availability in the long run.

Optiply prevents this by continuously analyzing sales and thus determining the optimal stock level. Optiply ensures optimal stock management in every situation.

Seamlessly integrated with your system

Easily integrate Optiply with your webshops, warehouses and/or stores. For this we have many standard links with the most used webshop systems, warehouse software and ERPs. Even if you use custom systems, you can easily connect via our API. Via Clickker, Optiply is linked to Exact Globe!