Clickker: Easily connect your business apps and Exact.

Do you recognize the frustration of manual data entry and double administration? With Clickker that is a thing of the past. Easily connect your business applications with API to Exact Globe, Online and Financials and immediately work more efficiently. Fast, affordable and hassle-free.

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Certified Exact Partner

Sense Cloud BV developed the Clickker API as a certified partner of Exact.

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Exclusive Exact API

The Clickker API has been specifically developed for Exact Globe, Online and Financials.

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Recommended by Exact

After countless success stories, Exact also offers the Clickker API itself to its customers.

Discover Clickker

Clickker is an exclusive API that has been specially created for linking various business applications to Exact software. With Clickker you can connect any business application that has its own API to Exact. This allows your applications to synchronize with hundreds of functionalities within Exact, which you can also set yourself or with our help.

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This is how a demo works:


We will contact you
We map out your wishes and prepare the demo for you.


Authorization code
You will receive an API key from us by email.


Demo environment
Enter the code in the Swagger environment. You can test immediately!

You want this too, right?

Linking Exact Globe, Exact Online or Exact Financials with other software such as HRM, CRM, WMS, service management software, accounts receivable software, etc., via Clickker’s exclusive API offers several advantages:

Clickker’s API is fully tailored to the architecture of Exact software. Every link with a business application is carefully recorded and standardized. This means that the wheel does not have to be reinvented every time. Customers benefit from fast, cost-effective and hassle-free solutions, without needing expensive custom solutions from external consultants. At Clickker, the total costs consist of a fixed amount for a service-oriented setup and a fixed low monthly subscription.

Users can exchange data seamlessly between different systems. This means less manual data entry and less chance of errors, saving time and making processes more efficient.

API connections allow users to gain direct access to current information from various software applications. For example, updates to customer information from CRM can be automatically synchronized with Exact, helping with faster decision-making and better customer service.

Integrating systems via Clickker’s API makes it easier to share information between different departments. This promotes seamless collaboration and makes it possible to manage and use data more efficiently.

By automating workflows between Exact and other software, such as automatically generating reports or updating inventory levels, companies can increase their operational efficiency. This reduces the amount of manual work and increases data accuracy.

Clickker’s API provides the flexibility to add new integrations and adapt to changing business needs. This enables users to gradually expand their IT landscape and adapt to growing demands.

n short, using Clickker’s exclusive API to connect Exact software to other business applications provides practical benefits such as improved efficiency, real-time insights, enhanced collaboration, automated processes, and the flexibility to adapt to changing business requirements. 

Completely in sync with Exact within 2 days? That's possible!

All you have to do is press the button below to request a quote. We will contact you directly to discuss your wishes. You will be up and running within 2 working days!

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